Our Story

Tag Cut
is a product that is invented
and produced by
All City Permits.
The company is based in South Florida and is a fast growing permit
expediting and licensing firm. We have now
expanded across the USA and service all cities/counties that have
an online permitting system.
travel a lot going to many building departments each day helping
people with their permits and licensing. On several occasions we
have received parking citations for an expired license plate decal even
though it was valid (decal was stolen).
We decided to solve this
problem because we were frustrated with the process
and lack of
any solution by government agencies or products on
Tag Cut is the result of our experience of knowing how the
system works and the frustrations that we all face.
TagCut Campaign
to Help Charities

All profits from TagCut
goes to support charities.
We started a campaign to
help charities and other non-for-profits raise money for their
organizations and also give people jobs by offering a community
Setting up at gas stations,
car washes, etc., the
agent offers to TagCut each person's vehicle decal
a suggested
of $1 - $2.
portion of that $1 - $2 goes to the charity and also the individual. Each
charity and individual would come up with their own terms,
or if 100%
goes to the charity because individual
will donate their time.
It's a Win-Win-Win Situation.
- For Charities, helping them to raise money for their cause and to
reach a greater audience.
- For Individuals, giving
them a job or a sense of pride and accomplishment if they are
volunteering and donating their time for a cause.
- For Recipients, protecting each person's vehicle from
getting their decal stolen and participating from donating to
charity at the same time.
Patent Pending
Works on all USA State